Funny Close Friend Goodbye Quotes for Friends

Funny Goodbye Messages for Friends: Tired of sad goodbye quotes? Well farewells don't always need to be dull, especially if you're giving your last hug to your best friends! Moving to another city, leaving for college, switching jobs – make sure the last moments you spend with your besties are an addition to the amazing pot of memories you have together. Yes, you can buy a dull and mundane greeting card from the shops but hey, don't demean your friendship by doing that! Be creative and write a sweet personalized message on a handwritten note. Give your message a humorous twist so that it isn't just any other lame farewell quote. Think of the funniest memories you've shared and all the quirks that only you know about each other. Weave them into a few hilarious lines and put it up on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram too. While this may seem insignificant at the outset, cute gestures like these go a long way into creating bonds that last a lifetime.

Goodbyes are not the end. Do not, even for a second, believe that you'll never pay for my meals again.

I don't know of a deeper pain than watching a friend leave… especially a friend who pays for my meals.

I'll say goodbye, only if you promise to bring me expensive gifts when you return.

I honestly don't know whether to smile or cry. I hate you for leaving me here, all alone, without my bestie by my side. How am I ever going to handle all these crazy people around me, without you? Who will tolerate my midnight rants? Who will I hang out with when I feel low? Who, who who? I hate you, and I hope you fail at whatever you set out to do… so you can come back and life can be normal again! Goodbye, NOT!

Every time you feel alone, every time you feel lonely… just close your eyes and think about all the amazing gifts you'll bring for me when you come back. Bye now!

Goodluck finding better friends than me! Goodbye.

Goodbye my friend, I hope our paths cross again… so I can punch you for leaving me in the first place!

And to think of it, I was the only person who never judged when you farted. What will you do without me?

Damn, who will be the stupid in my selfies now? Bye!

Goodbye. You're dead to me now.

I'm not surprised you're leaving. You've always been selfish! Goodbye but no thank you.

I never felt bad about being a loser in life, because I always had likeminded friends like you around. What will I do now? Goodbye my friend.

Oh, you're going… who will I make fun of now? Bye!

You've been convicted of Leaving Your Friend. Punishment is as follows: 2 phone calls daily, 2 selfies daily, 1 handwritten letter weekly and 1 in-person visit once every 3 months.

Come back with some amazing gifts. Else, don't bother coming back. Goodbye!

WHY ARE YOU LEAVING?? For your own sake, you better hope we meet again… else you have no idea how much I'll put you in pain.

Finally! I'll be able to get my life back on track now that a bad influence like you is leaving. Goodbye!

I'm not wishing that you fail, but just saying that if you do, you can always come back. Goodbye.

Goodbye! I'm not trying to be funny but I hope the airline loses your luggage and you have no place to go but mine! xoxo

After all the crazy things we've done together, our friendship comes down to this… a measly goodbye! Go now and never show me your face again you deserter!

This goodbye better not be forever, else you'll be cursed by me forever!

Can't believe you're going! Who will I do stupid things with now?

Do you know the worst part of being away from friends? They're the only people who won't judge you when you fart.

Never ever come back, unless of course you're buying me a new iPhone!

Wherever you are, never forget that you have a friend waiting for you to come back… with awesome presents! Goodbye.

I don't want you to go! I'm trying to stay positive but deep down inside I truly hope that you miss you flight 😛

At last, I'll be able to live life without a clingy friend like you! Goodbye 😛

Of all the things I'll miss about you, borrowing money from you will be the most. Goodbye.

Do you have to go? Here's my address, feel free to send presents! Goodbye.

If you don't call me at least once a week, I'll report you, I'll find you, I'll hunt you down… and give you the longest hug!

This is not a goodbye. Just a temporary absence until you return with gifts.

Goodbye my friend, I'll miss you a lot. Who am I going to borrow money from now?

Why do you have to go? I loved having someone who paid for my lunch!

Goodbye my friend, it won't be the same without you… it'll be much better.

The best part about having friends is that you always have someone to seek advice. Now that you're going away, it'll be chargeable by the minute. Looking forward!

I have nothing to say to you. Goodbye, leave and never ever call me a friend again! Oh and also, don't forget to bring me a present when you come back.

Did you know that being away from your friends can make you feel depressed, anxious and lonely? Don't mean to scare you, just saying!

Did you know that the best way to keep in touch with friends is to send them presents? Just saying… goodbye!

I can't believe you're leaving! I hope you fail at everything you do. See ya soon!

Thank God you're going. Now I don't need to have the psychiatric on speed dial.


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