Pages Feed is Missing From My Facebook Business Page

Facebook Pages News Feed is Missing

Brenda at computer B&W 120 x 155

The Mysterious case of the Pages News Feed on Facebook

Look to your right.  Can you see "See Pages Feed" on your Facebook Business Page or not?

I thought a much earlier image of me smiling shortly after I launched Social Media is Simple might be appropriate for this post.

Why?  Well, I sure don't feel like smiling about the contents of this post, and……darn it!….Social Media is NOT Simple anymore!  (changing the company name and brand to Cowichan Social Media is a blog for another day)

I have the privilege of managing Facebook Pages and other social media networks for businesses and charitable organizations.  Having your Business Page like a number of appropriate Pages and then visiting the newsfeed for your Page with all of the recent posts of the pages your page has liked is a best practise for social media marketing.  I hope that wasn't too many pages and posts in the previous sentence.  Just read it again and those of you who have administered a Facebook Page will know what I am talking about.

This morning I head to one of my client's Facebook Page to check the Page's newsfeed to see if there is something there appropriate that the Page can share for their fan's information or an appropriate event to support, etc.  I look to the far right column where it always reads "See Pages Feed" BUT IT'S NOT THERE! So, I proceed to check out the 21 various Pages of which I am an Administrator.  My Social Media Page does NOT have it, yet my Page devoted to my gardening passion Brenda's Blooms still has See Pages Feed to the right in a little box that also has the number of Likes the Page has (remember, that is the total number of PEOPLE who like the Page, and does not include the number of PAGES that like the Page), plus working hours, telephone number, etc)  Please note that what appears in that little box is no longer consistent Page to Page either and no amount of 'editing' can bring every page to consistency.  Another blog, I guess.

I try to figure out what type of pages still have the click through to the Pages Feed and which seem to have lost it.  I go through every aspect of a Business Page on Facebook to see if it has been moved, or hidden behind the scenes somewhere.  I try to see if what you call the page – Marketing Consultant, or Charitable Organization or Yoga Studio or whatever have any correlation.  I type into Google and into Facebook's Business Page website where you can ask questions.  My fingers are bleeding and my eyes are aching and it isn't even 10:30 a.m. Recently, Facebook has been having a go at deciding for you what type of business you are and I wondered if that could be tied to this.

But no.  It seems my mind, and much more dedicated minds in the school of Facebook can not find out why the "See Pages Feed" has disappeared on SOME Business Pages.  Finally, buried deep in a comment response to a Social Media consultancy's question about the disappearing Pages New Feed is a workaround that works.  Simply type and the missing newsfeed will appear.  Just to be clear to everyone reading this, this is what I would type to find Social Media is Simple's newsfeed – link won't work for you as obviously you have to be an Administrator for your Page to see the News Feed.

This is an awkward work around involving yet more time to keep up to date on posts from the Pages your Page liked.

The latest re-do of the look and feel of the Facebook Page involves more detail than I originally thought.  I guess this constant changing based on hard to decipher principles is what you can do if you are the big Kahuna.  I am perfectly fine with change, but a little information instead of just discovering these changes would be helpful and a bit about why the change would be divine.

Treat yourself to a seminar I will hold in the Cowichan Valley in late November on these changes and what to be aware of.  There is no charge from me, but I will be asking for new, non-food items for Toys Toiletries & Toques .Social Media is NOT Simple.

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