How to Upload Full Photos on Tinder

If yous apply simply one dating application it should be -and probably is- Tinder.

But wait, isn't Tinder that lascivious app where salivating oafs serial message women out of their league, "hey"?

Umm, yes and no.

Tinder used to be notorious for its label as a "hookup app." And certain plenty of people still use information technology to find a one-dark partner. Merely the online dating scene has expanded quickly since Tinder's genesis. While just a few years ago online dating was taboo, now it'south the most popular way people meet their significant others with 19% of new relationships starting after having met their partner online.

That's correct. Coming together a romantic partner online is at present more commonplace than meeting your future partner through friends, at a bar, or during Sunday service.

As of September of 2019 Tinder had 7.86 million unmarried(ish) users swiping and ghosting. That's nigh three million more than users than the side by side most pop dating app, Bumble.

Regardless if you're a dating app hater or fanboy, the reality is that if you desire to run into single women you need to hop on Tinder. And when it comes to successfully meeting women on Tinder there's no more important attribute of profile creation than Tinder pics. Because yes, it's proven that looks do matter to women.

Dating apps are superficial -Tinder being the well-nigh of the bunch- and then the only fashion to distinguish yourself amid the millions of other dudes on the app is to create a roster of photos that are worthy of a swipe correct.

Beneath are the top six Tinder photograph archetypes that have been giving my clients success for years. Since Tinder lets you upload a maximum of 9 photos, don't forget to mix in a couple of text prompt responses that expose your personality.

The 6 All-time Tinder Picture Archetypes

Tinder Pics for Guys First Photo Must Take: The Closely Cropped Headshot

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The offset Tinder picture show in your business relationship has two purposes.

The beginning is to denote yourself to the Tinder stratosphere. This photogenic exclamation must be washed in the clearest way possible, pregnant that your face must be 100% unobscured. The second job of an initial Tinder photo is, of grade, to convince her to either swipe correct or spend more time vetting your profile.

Let's go this out of the way now so that even if you don't read this article in total you won't brand this tragic mistake. Yes, you accept dozens of 100% unobscured photos on your phone, however, must are probably selfies. Selfies brand you await like you have zero friends. By actualization lonely yous lower your perceived value. Anyone with at least one arm can have a selfie. Don't showcase the type of photo that just anyone can postal service.

Do your single self a favor and say no to selfies. Merely if you have no other choice but to take your photos yourself, get a tripod and apply the timer feature on your phone to give yourself 10 seconds to have the photo without having it be an actual selfie.

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This should get without saying. But the photo to a higher place should be used as your get-go Tinder photo for i elementary reason -in that location'due south just one person in information technology.

How often have yous come across a female'south contour where her initial photo non only displayers herself but also 5 of her closest friends? If you don't want females to do it why commit this most unfortunate of Tinder blunders likewise? It doesn't matter if it's a great photo of you, if it's your showtime photo you even so oasis't established which one you are. A grouping shot as a outset photo does nothing to help your cause.

best tinder pics for guys closely cropped headshot

A recent Hinge study confirmed some fairly obvious dating app motion-picture show tips. It likewise had some findings that users weren't expecting.

One of these surprises is that photos of men facing forward were 102% more than probable to receive a like than your average photo. Mayhap considering a homo distracted by a butterfly is just showing a portion of his face. Think that you're a complete unknown to other daters. It's not ever the best looking guy that gets the daughter. Often information technology'due south the i that offers users the most reliable information.

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Safety. That'south who I feel looking at the to a higher place Tinder photos example; safe.

Have it from a adult female that if she doesn't feel condom, she won't go out with y'all. There are a few ways your photos tin make her experience comfortable.

What'south most important is that they're articulate. She mustn't feel like you're trying to hide whatever aspect of your advent. The photo above checks this box off beautifully. It's a high-res, front-facing photo that captures the user's entire face. Simply that'southward non the but aspect that's working in this photo.

The bailiwick is besides smiling. It's non a big smile, merely by opening his mouth and showing her pearly whites he's signaling to the person on the other side of the screen that he'southward non a threat. Humanize yourself by smiling and showcasing as much of your character as possible. Tinder relegates each user into a series of cards. Information technology's your job to be seen as more than just a contestant on a superficial digital dating game.

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This closely cropped headshot is distinct from those we've analyzed thus far.

The others offer piffling context by way of groundwork. This photograph, however, tells us much more almost the Tinder user.

It'southward articulate that the subject isn't in the states. The backpack and background advise that he'southward away, most probable in Europe, jaunting around a fairly old urban center. Traveling abroad conveys not but an interest just status. Non everyone has the drive and funds to galivant abroad. International travel photos are highly encouraged.

tinder pics kid photo

Some of you lot might question why this user's commencement photo is with his daughter. Don't.

This guy clearly isn't into one night stands. He wants to meet women that are in information technology for the long haul. If this is the case he has to be upwardly-front. Why waste time chatting back and along with a woman, going on a few dates, spending loads of money, just to reveal afterward on that you accept a child?

He knows that women uninterested in dads will swipe left, those that are into it volition slide their finger to the right. He'south non wasting whatever fourth dimension here.

Now, if this guy isn't a father and merely happened to think posting a photo of him with his little cousin was a good thought so he's utterly hopeless. I've not sure that even I have the expertise to assist him out.

Dating App Misconception Debunked

Before nosotros reveal the best Tinder pics, I want to chop-chop address a mutual misconception men have about dating pictures.

Many a guy thinks that looking away from the photographic camera is sexy and that staring at the lens makes them look aggressive, too much to so be swiped right on.

To become to the lesser of this we asked Lisa Damico, an accolade-winning online dating lensman based in Alexandria on her thoughts on the matter.

"If someone walked up to introduce themself to y'all, information technology would be weird if they turned and started gazing at the sky.

Aye, you may get some matches from the photo in which you're looking abroad from the camera looking mysterious, but the stronger, more effective play is to utilize an image in which you lot're looking your potential date in the optics and giving them a warm, welcoming smile that says "You have my full, undivided attending and I'm excited to come across you."

To illustrate what Lisa'south talking most here'southward a photo she recently took of a client giving the lovely ladies of Tinder his undivided attention.

tinder pics for men from lisa damico

The Full Trunk Physique Photo

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Full body Tinder pic shots serve the aforementioned purpose as headshots.

Harken back to the last time yous swiped through a woman's contour that only contained headshots. Sure she looked good merely you couldn't help thinking that she was hiding something. Online dating photos are part of your dating resume. Why should she settle for dating a dude that is agape to show the lesser one-half of his body.

tinder pics full body physique photo

Not everybody'due south agape to show some pare, but such brazenness isn't always a good thing.

A shirtless photo -while it may look hot- is indicative of a player. Your profile should accept a target audience. You lot don't want to appeal to every female Tinder user exercise you? If you're on the app for some buns, a shirtless photo is a expert telephone call, if non, reconsider.

Ask women for their thoughts on shirtless dating app photos and they'll likely tell yous that there'southward a sweet spot that near dudes are missing. It's easy to announced egocentric and douchey with shirtless photos. If you feel the need to mail service a half-naked movie, make sure they're candid shots.

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Context, context, context.

At that place's a huge difference between a full body shot of a smiling dude leaning against a groundwork of white brick and the Tinder motion-picture show higher up.

From this Tinder picture, we can glean that the user is American, likes to longboard, has keen mode, lives a physical lifestyle, etc. Requite the adult female debating whether to swipe left or right equally many details about your life as possible.

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If I were a dude I'd run a Spartan race just so I tin post epic mid-race photos on my Tinder account.

It takes a unique man to run a Tough Mudder or Spartan race. Information technology takes an fifty-fifty more unique 1 to smile while jumping over burning wood with a buddy. Ideally, yous'd exist able to meet the Tinder user's face, simply apart from that one minor critique this photograph kicks ass.

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This half-naked shot fits our criteria for what'due south considered a suitable shirtless Tinder photo.

The reason the guy posted this photo isn't to showcase his muscles but rather to evidence that he's the type of dude that will literally spring over fire to achieve his goals.

The Hobby Shot Photograph

best tinder hobby pics for guys

The first ii Tinder picture archetypes establish what the user looks like. But few women would swipe right on a dude just considering he'southward got a couple of nice headshots. The rest of your photos (and of course your Tinder bio) should exist used to convey a well-rounded personality (and bear witness that you're not a serial killer).

Y'all can do this with hobby shots.

The more a woman can connect with you the more than likely it is she'll swipe right. Take the guy above.

He'southward the sporty blazon that by the looks of his jersey is into soccer. This photo ticks the boxes of soccer and fitness buffs alike.

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This man is all about shooting his shot, both on the golf course and online.

With that fierce gaze and perfected hunker, the kid looks like an aspiring Tiger Woods. Information technology doesn't quite matter that he consistently hits 25 over par, he's conspicuously passionate about golf (or most staring into the abyss). Always put your hobbies and qualities on full display.

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What sets you apart from other men?

Is it your ability to play the tuba, write novels, or put yourself in a sinuous yoga position while kissing the basis? Boast about your distinctions as long as they're positive.

tinder pics hobby shot

Music-related photos are ever encouraged. What women doesn't desire her man serenading her?

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There are sporty photos and and then there are SPORTY PHOTOS!

The previously cited Swivel study establish that women dear sports photos, merely they tend to prefer one type to the other. Non-contact and low energy sports such every bit ping-pong and tennis weren't equally highly rated as contact and high-intensity sports. If you're debating between badminton and a basketball game photo, mail service the latter.

The Animal Lover Shot

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At that place are few things women love more than than a beautiful canis familiaris pic. Evidence shows that guys are seen as smarter, more caring, and more trustworthy when posing with homo (and adult female's) best friend. Not posting a Tinder film of you with your pooch would be like Batman refraining to use the most badass gadget in his utility belt.

The all-time wingman a man can ask for is his dog (apart from myself of course).

tinder pictures for guys

Women love dog pics. Men know this.

Dudes will do anything they can to be more appealing than either profile to their left or correct. This even ways stealing their friend'southward or parent'south dog for a spontaneous photo shoot. The bait and switch is so common that the tactic has been coined every bit dogfishing. And we at emlovz are fine with that because someday y'all use an animal (that looks happy) in your photos, information technology subconsciously demonstrates to the woman looking at it that you are safe and trustworthy.

Animals have a sixth sense for danger and will bark and avoid humans whom they feel are unsafe. So having whatsoever animal in your photo with yous, as long equally that animal looks happy, is another information point that you lot're probably not a killer and that it would be safe for her to go on a date with you.

This photo is infinitely meliorate than the start ii we've seen thus far. Why?

Look you only have so many photos yous tin upload to the app (ideally 5-6). Every slot must be used to provide more than data not only on who you are but what yous look similar. The first 2 photos viewed obscure the user's face. This one doesn't.

tinder pics for guys animal shot

I gauge cats are cool, but women tend to prefer dog pics. True cat-lovers are perceived as more effeminate than dog lovers. But again, your Tinder pics should be an accurate portrayal of who yous are.

If you're an unabashed cat lover and want to hang with fellow true cat people maybe you do post those cat pics you've got stacked in your photo library. Just know that dogs are ever improve than cats… at least when information technology comes to getting matches.

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Cute dog, but last time I checked this was a dating app for humans. This photo would be ideal if the cameraman took a step back and also included the guy's face up in the moving-picture show.

The Social Shot

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Many an online dating guru has trashed group Tinder pictures, still, they do serve a purpose.

It's true that group shots should never be the outset or second photograph in your profile. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't be included at all. Group shots have the opposite issue equally selfies. Whereas a selfie makes you look basic and friendless, group shots give the impression that your life is dynamic and that yous're surrounded past awesome people.

The women of Tinder think of yous every bit a stranger. Existence surrounded by a group of smile people tells her that there are other humans out at that place that enjoy beingness around you. This volition give her comfort, and that'south exactly what she needs to persuade her to proceed a first date with you.

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Smiles all around, physical contact with women -clearly good times are being had. Later viewing this Tinder picture she too may want to bring together in on the fun.

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Think of your Tinder profile or tagline every bit a poem.

Every written line and every uploaded photo must be pithy. With simply so much space to advertise yourself you lot'll demand to be meticulous when information technology comes to crafting the perfect visual verse form.

The ane affair off nigh this Tinder photo is that the attention is on the one person whose face up is obscured by his hand. This is the Tinder user. If that hand weren't at that place this photo would be awesome, but information technology is, so information technology shouldn't be used. Don't just select the starting time 5-6 photos you lot think are Tinder-worthy. Constantly search and swap out photos in one case improve ones are establish. If you don't know what's considered Tinder-worthy, just ask the lovely ladies from

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Background is fundamental to adding context. From this photo nosotros can deduce that the Tinder user eats healthy and has a sick pad or office. Whenever possible show as much detail every bit possible.

The GQ Shot

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The GQ shot is your fourth dimension to smooth.

You probably have a few recent wedding pics you lot've got stashed abroad on your phone. Now is the time to use them.

Women (and aye even men) are looking for condition symbols. Dressing well, wearing a nice scout, or being pictured on a rooftop bar are all condition symbols that women are attracted to. Look man, Tinder is the perfect place to brag about how awesome you are. Don't be afraid to post a photo or two of you at your swankiest.

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This guy's got the right idea.

The simply critique I take is that it looks besides staged, nearly every bit if he took this at a photograph studio. What's working for him is that while the background is dull the shot looks aboveboard, thus humanizing the subject.

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What was I but saying about watches, rooftops bars, and fancy clothing?

Apart from looking a bit contrived, this photo typifies the GQ Tinder film that every guy should take in his roster of photos.

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Your only fear when posting a ritzy Tinder photo is that you come off as arrogant. As this gentleman demonstrates any hint of arrogance is swept abroad past simply grinning.

Tinder Pics for Guys…. That Women Will Ignore

Angry Muscles

tinder killer

Doesn't this guy look more than like the archetypical bail villain than prince charming? He looks like he just broke out of his own cell by bursting through the prison cell wall with his pectorals.

I tin't stress this enough, women want to exist comforted, non scared into swiping left as rapidly equally possible.


I empathize why dudes think wearing glasses in photograph is a good idea. Glasses make the face look more symmetrical which in turn makes you look better. Even so a 2016 Tinder study constitute that men and women were fifteen% less likely to be swiped right on if they were wearing a hat or spectacles.

This is because women tin can be simultaneously physically attracted and scared of a guy. Look, we're complex, bargain with it… or only have off the shades.

Non Smiling in Your Photos

tinder tips for guys

You know how else doesn't grinning? Series killers!

Actually google John Wayen Gacy Jr. or Ted Bundy and you'll notice photos of smile mass murderers looking dorsum at your en masse. Even though serial killers are a fairly smiley bunch, that's the clan nosotros'll make. A person that doesn't smile is thought of every bit untrustworthy and ambitious. These aren't traits nosotros desire in the dudes we date, especially if they're strangers.


tinder killer pics

Aggressive photos like the one higher up will concenter only a very specific type of woman. What that type of woman is, I can only speculate.

Killery photos work for a small percentage of women. Sympathise which type of women your photos entreatment to earlier posting.

All-time Tinder Pics for Guys: Conclusion

You've probably noticed that many of these Tinder pics look professional person. Information technology's considering they are.

Higher quality photos translate to more matches, information technology'due south that simple. Consider making a day out of taking new Tinder photos that friend of yours that owns a DSLR. If you don't have a photographer friend around consider even hiring a lensman that specializes in dating app photos.

As yous can run across, there'due south a lot to be pondered when choosing the perfect Tinder pics for your profile. If you demand a helping mitt, book a new customer 1-on-1 Skype session with yours truly.

I've helped hundreds of men create loftier-quality Tinder profiles from scratch. Together you and I will create an awesome contour and discuss the dating strategies you need to implement in order to find your next -and possibly last- girlfriend. We'll also discuss if my iii month coaching program is right for you!


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